WriteInstinct locks up after MPU calibration. No response after to "c" command.
Have latest Arduino IDE, NyBoard support, updated libraries, edited Instinct.h to NyBoard_V0-2
Serial Monitor 57,600 baud, No Line Ending
All servos connected, battery switched on
Install WriteInstinct and open serial monitor,
Reset Joint calibration (Y)
Update Instincts (n) I get single lines 1-42 and Finished!
Calibrate MPU (Y) Finished! Offsets saved automatically
type "c" beep and no further response in serial monitor
If I close and reopen serial monitor entire process starts over again with same results.
Any suggestions and thanks.
George S.
Entered "Y" for instincts and then could enter calibration.
Wonderful robot, works great. Thank you for a wonderful design.
George S.
Entering "Y" to the prompt for Instincts instead of "n" allowed me to continue on to calibrate..
What an impressive design and execution in its manufacture. Your instructions and videos are really the best of I have seen in robotic kits. You should be proud and thank you for an enjoyable project and a fun robot cat to play with .
That worked. Thank you.
Edited Instinct.h to NyBoard_V0-2
Make sure you wrote #define NyBoard_V0_2
Update Instincts (n) I get single lines 1-42 and Finished!
You need to enter 'Y' for the first time to save the instincts' data to the memory.