Where are the correct MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h and I2Cdev.h files located?
I've been trying for days to get openCat into my Bittle, and maybe I'm missing something easy. The IMU calibration works fine, but when I try to run OpenCat.ino, it can't find MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h or I2Cdev.h. Am running Arduino IDE 1.18.13
On gitHub I found a few versions of files with those exact names, along with various others at sites online. None seem to work with OpenCat.ino, and most every one is different from the others.
Where are the correct versions of both MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h and I2Cdev.h that are required?
This seems to be a common problem if you search the forums, but none of the solutions given have yet worked for me. If I can find out where the correct files are located, I can better debug what remains.
It would help if ALL the dependent files could be included in the openCat download, or at the least, give links to the correct versions.
many thanks,
It worked fine. Only had to comment out the #define i2Cdev.h to run WriteInstinct.ino, and the same in OpenCat.ino. After that Bittle responded to IR commands via the remote. Thanks for the help, I'm sure my students will love this.
I will give the derived version a try very soon. I plan to use Bittle as a teaching aid for my middle school Robotics class.
thank you, Rongzhong Li, and happy new year!
In the user manual, the link https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib is the version we are using.
Alternatively, you may try this derived version for MPU6050 that also supports ESP32. It has I2C dev.h included in the folder. We will use it in our later release.
We try to give the authors proper credits by providing their original open-source repository. It seems to cause trouble for many new users. So we also consider including all the dependent files in OpenCat, with proper references in the codes.