I've got everything connected properly, I'm able to communicate with the board properly too.
A couple things seem odd though:
1) When using the calibrate command "c" it appears that all 4 knee servos and the head tilt servo move.
The others don't appear to move (nothing is attached so it might just be that I can't see it. But I don't hear it either)
2) When I Validate, the knees will move to the 'stand' position, but only go just below 90 degrees for the 'rest' position. They do not move nearly as much as the 'resting' picture shows.
Again - thanks for your time !
There are test codes in ModuleTest folder in the OpenCat folder.
FYI - Here's a video after assembly - starting position 'd', then 'kbalance', then 'd' again:
Also - How do I test the Ultrasound sensor and the RGB LED ?
Ok, I'll assemble it and try it. I'll re-post here if it doesn't work. Thanks again.
"Pushed flat" (by hand?)! I thought the 'd' rest state was supposed to fold down that far via the servos!
Based on that, I don't think anything is wrong... D'oh!
That's not a problem. The example rest posture was taken after the cat was pushed flat. If you install the legs and try 'kbalance', the cat should stand up.
I'm expecting the knee joint to 'close down' nearly 90 degrees from the 'c' state as shown in the manual but they only reach about 45degrees from 'c':
No - exactly the same. "d" only moves them about 45 degrees, not the almost 90 shown in the pictures.
OK, Done!
Could you re-run the writeInstinct.ino and enter 'Y' for all the three prompts to overwrite the EEPROM?
Yes (the knee rotated towards the rear)
Same as before...No change
how does the 'd' and 'kbalance' look like now?
I've turned the board over and reconnected everything. I've also run Nybble.ino and tested each joint to make sure they're correct i.e. "m13 10" to move the right front knee 10 degrees.
Sorry - I'm not really seeing how to make the change.
I apologize for being so difficult...
Thanks for looking into this :)
(I"m pretty sure I've got the board upside down for mounting, so I must also have Left/Right swapped)
Do you have screenshots of your serial monitor and a video/picture to show your servo wiring?