I have both a Raspberry Pi 3a+ and 5 working with a Bittle (not X) with the 2x5 connector. I purchased the Orange Pi 2W 4G for the small size with > that 2GB of RAM. The pinouts look the same and the faq site says they are: "21. When it comes to low-level peripherals, what does compatible Raspberry Pi refer to?
A: It means that the 40pin pins are the same as Raspberry Pi."
(From: http://www.orangepi.org/orangepiwiki/index.php/FAQ)
But when I boot with them connected, the robot does odd things and the Orange PI cannot be logged into. I updated the firmware and I'm using the latest version of Debian Buster Server from Orange Pi.
Would this section give you some insight on the problem? https://docs.petoi.com/history/upload-sketch-for-nyboard-software-1.0#id-4.1.-config-raspberry-pi-serial-port