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Forum Posts
Boris Jülich
May 28, 2019
In Hardware
Hi - ultrasonic sensors are not yet implemented in program. Is there an update to come in future?
Boris Jülich
May 21, 2019
In Clinic
@Rongzhong Li Thank you, Nybble is now partially alive. All optimizations as mentioned in post Root cause analyse on strange FTDI232 / NyBoard behaviour and finally correct type of batterie really helped a lot. Calibration was now working and Nybble became partially alive. Now there is only one strange behaviour left which is hard to describe. I installed Nybble.ino and I could perform most commands via IR. But for example in BALANCE mode I detect the board making a beep noise and movement partially interupts, but within a second calibrates back to correct position. Or in WALK mode the movement is interupted almost every second with a short stop and beep (as cat needs to have a short rest). Any idea why this happens.
Boris Jülich
May 13, 2019
In Clinic
Hi - I do have a serious issue. My nybble sends a beep code, which I cannot find in documentation. It beeps 5 time with a short a deep sound, than a longer higher beep. In addition my FTDI 232 is not able to upload codes on board any longer. Might my board have a defect? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT : for those, that want to have a shortcut of this long thread (as solved). As per combined investigation, this "failure" was mainly based on three issues: A) step down circuit on NyBoard Metal servos had a undervoltage issue causing strange movements. Also YELLOW led start blinking and stopping all servos, in case all servos were running at once. This could be solved, by a bypass of the step down circuit, which improved behaviour of METAL SERVOS (!) a lot. see post: CAUTION: For METAL SERVOS ONLY - do NOT use for plastic gear servos - it will damage servo!! B) Type of Li-Ion battery My PROTECTED batteries did not work and caused these strange movements while calibration. I guess, this is one of the MAIN root causes. see : "report your batteries" in this post , please. C) Damaged FTDI Most likely, due to these unexpected movement caused by A) & B), legs where blocked and might have caused a damage on the FTDI232 board. They are cheap - a new one worked. With combinition of: - new FTDI I was able to re-upload sketch on board again - step down circuit modification, my servors did not any longer stopped moving while combined power consumption (hint: use sketch "moduleTests.ino" to test all servos at once. Type "1"-"4" on IR remote to see effect on board) - new batterie without protection, this problem should be finally solve this issue completely (in progess - new batteries are ordered). As per feedback and hardware tests of Rongzhong Li this should work (see his video). I appreciate all you support! This was "Murphy´s Law" on his best ...
Boris Jülich
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