I managed to complete building Nybble and eventually calibrate it 😁. It was sometimes frustrating, but fun and very rewarding at the end !
I have a couple of issues with the ultrasound sensor and getting the lights to work
There is a section in the Petoi Doc Center called “Ultrasonic Sensor” that has a picture of the board and Sensor with the connector cable, along with a build video of the head showing the cable connections.
The heavy duty connector cable that I received in kit has very stiff wire and has connector that does not fit into the board socket as shown on the picture in the doc. The connector can only go in one way. The Black Gnd cable connects to D8 on the board, Red one to D7, etc. I had to pull the head apart and reverse fit the connector into the socket. (see attached pic)
When I boot up Nybble the tiny LED behind the Ultrasonic Sensor lights up blue. That’s all that happens 😢
When I run the Firmware Uploader (in the desktop App) to try change the mode to "Ultrasonic" or "RandomMind_Ultrasonic" it fails. In the file directory PetoiDesktopApp\release\2.0\Nybble\ there is no directory for NyBoard__V1_2 containing the required *.hex files. My board is V1_2 so assume it needs the V1_2 firmware in the App. I have downloaded and installed the latest Petoi Desktop App (Jan 2023)
In the Petoi Skill Composer I can pull down the Eye Color Setter and select colors but nothing happens. The only button that works is “Meow”
Can anybody please shine a light on this issue?
Then unplug the Utrsonic sensor and try to upload the Standard Mode firmware.