I wanted to start playing with new skills. I have a question regarding joint angles.
Example that you explained and something that came up with calibration function is :
- If I have 44 for joint 12 that would mean that this joint 12 should move to 44 degrees in positive direction
- if I have -39 that means that joint will move to 39 degrees in the negative, opposite, direction.
First question is: are these numbers degrees directly that joint will use for movement or move to 44 degrees from the angle where joint 12 was?
I plotted degrees and arm length of servos 12 and 8 on the paper and I am assuming that I should get the leg movement - but this is not the case, it is showing partially correct path, but for example servo 8 does not move to the 15 degrees as a first movement and never goes to 16 and 12 degrees at the end - so I am calculating my angles wrongly as Nybble is moving nicely :)
Can you please explain a bit ?
Can you please explain how or point me where to search?
you will need to add shoulder angles to the leg angles
you will need to add shoulder angles to the leg angles
Hi Li, thank you for your answer. Please check the picture. As said I am probably making mistake, but if I measure all angles of shoulder and knee joints then I get something like this. Green is where I can compare the leg movement and red are the angles from the matrix that leg never does.
Shoulder angles:
15 21 27 32 38 43 47 51 54 57 58 59 59 57 59 64 67 56 31 16 12
Knee angles
22 18 15 13 12 11 11 13 15 18 23 29 37 46 47 38 23 3 5 15 21
1. The angles are offsets from zero position, not relative from its current location.
2. I don't quite understand your question2. The movement of toe is a combination of shoulder and knee joints (joint 8 and 12 for left-front leg). The knee servo is installed at the end of the upper arm so you need to consider the movements of a rotating coordination system.