Hi, my name is robogeppo (I am 77 years old) and I built a customized version of nibble and thanks to you it works perfectly as you can see from my old posts, I used skill composer to create new movements, now I would like to build a nibble with three servos per leg but I noticed that the 5 shoulders on skill composer ( 3, 4,5,6,7) are locked and I can't unlock them, so also in joint calibrator I would be really grateful if you could help me to make them work.
Thank you for making your work available and a big round of applause for the success of this great project.
I am writing to you from ITALY (Naples) I apologize for the translation.
Sincerely Giuseppe
For Model - DoF16, there is no firmware file at present, so the Firmware Uploader is not available. But there is a bug in the Joint Calibrator and Skill Composer indeed. We have fixed it now, but you need to modify you own code as following:
in the OpenCat project(the OpenCat\src\reaction.h), you should comment the line: "PTLF(MODEL); " and add a new line:PTLF("DoF16"); or just change the line - "PTLF(MODEL); " to the new line.
The principle is : when open the Joint Calibrator or Skill Composer, send a serial command "?" to ask the model type, if the robot responses "DoF16", It will auto change the interface to suit for the model DoF16.
I'll send the new app - Petoi Desktop App later.
I add image
Hi, you can enable them from the source code in OpenCat/pyUI/SkillComposer.py.