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Forum Posts

Berend Vervelde
Mar 23, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
I finally managed to finish the setup, calibration and installation only to end with a very unresponsive robot. I recorded my test with the instructions from chapter 7: ksit, m0 30, m0 -30, kbalance, kwkF, ktrL and d. It seems that m0 30 and -30 go well, but the rest does not seem to make much sense at all. (Turn on the cc for controls) When I use the remote control I get the same results, just a quick jolt and then nothing. Note that the gyro is working well! If anyone has a clue what I did wrong I would very much like to hear it.
Berend Vervelde
Feb 28, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
So , after configuring the board pressing EQ does nothing when trying to calibrate. What I have done so far: I downloaded the opencat from github as a zip, unzipped the folder and renamed it to OpenCat. tried the buzzer - it gives me a little melody and I see responses through the monitor. checked library versions - IRRemote is 2.6.1. uploaded infrared test sketch - this works fine, I can see responses from the serial monitor. Is it possible there is something going wrong with the Opencat.ino installation? I see a frightful number of red notes and warnings when the sketch gets compiled. The buzzer gives a lot of clicks and then nothing. Serial monitor gives me this: * Start * Initialize I2C Connect MPU6050 Test connection MPU successful Initialize DMP -1 -1 -1 -1 Enable DMP Enable interrupt DMP ready! * Assigning 1 skill addresses... Can someone comfirm this is OK or if not, what steps I can take to solve the issue? Thanks in advance.

Berend Vervelde

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