Rongzhong Li,
Your first response was all I really needed to understand how that code section should work. I was quickly able to map out all the new hex codes and now have a 44 key IR remote working on my Nybble! I mapped all the basic instincts that you originally used and still have over half of the remote free for additional behaviors!
This is the remote I found on Amazon for $5.59 (
These are the mappings and a crude representation of how I used the lower keys to actuate the original instincts.
Finally, here is my revised code section. I will simply add new case statements as I choose more instincts to map to my unused buttons.
IRrecv irrecv(IR_RECIEVER); // create instance of 'irrecv'
decode_results results; // create instance of 'decode_results'
String translateIR() // takes action based on IR code received
// describing Remote IR codes.
switch (results.value) {
//IR signal key on IR remote //abbreviation of gaits //gait/posture names
case 0xFFF00F: PTLF(" CH-"); return (F("sit"));
case 0xFFE01F: PTLF(" CH"); return (F("d")); //shutdown all servos
case 0xFFD02F: PTLF(" CH+"); return (F("hi")); //greetings
case 0xFFA05F: PTLF(" |<<"); return (F("buttUp")); //butt up
case 0xFFC837: PTLF(" >>|"); return (F("balance")); //neutral standing
case 0xFF20DF: PTLF(" >||"); return (F("str")); //stretch
case 0xFFE817: PTLF(" -"); return (F("pee")); //
case 0xFFA857: PTLF(" +"); return (F("tr")); //trot
case 0xFF609F: PTLF(" EQ"); return (F("pu")); // push up
case 0xFF08F7: PTLF(" 0"); return (F("wkL")); //walk left
case 0xFF8877: PTLF(" 100+"); return (F("wk")); //walk
case 0xFF48B7: PTLF(" 200+"); return (F("wkR")); //walk right
case 0xFF30CF: PTLF(" 1"); return (F("crL")); //crawl left
case 0xFFB04F: PTLF(" 2"); return (F("cr")); //crawl fast
case 0xFF708F: PTLF(" 3"); return (F("crR")); //crawl right
case 0xFF10EF: PTLF(" 4"); return (F("bkL")); // back left
case 0xFF906F: PTLF(" 5"); return (F("bk")); //back
case 0xFF50AF: PTLF(" 6"); return (F("bkR")); //back right
case 0xFF42BD: PTLF(" 7"); return (F("tb")); //turbo
case 0xFF4AB5: PTLF(" 8"); return (F("zero")); //customed skill
case 0xFFD827: PTLF(" 9"); return (F("rc")); //recover (turtle roll )
case 0xFFF00F: return (F("sit"));
case 0xFFE01F: return (F("d")); //shutdown all servos
case 0xFFD02F: return (F("hi")); //greetings
case 0xFFA05F: return (F("buttUp")); //butt up
case 0xFFC837: return (F("balance")); //neutral standing
case 0xFF20DF: return (F("str")); //stretch
case 0xFFE817: return (F("pee")); //
case 0xFFA857: return (F("tr")); //trot
case 0xFF609F: return (F("pu")); // push up
case 0xFF08F7: return (F("wkL")); //walk left
case 0xFF8877: return (F("wk")); //walk
case 0xFF48B7: return (F("wkR")); //walk right
case 0xFF30CF: return (F("crL")); //crawl left
case 0xFFB04F: return (F("cr")); //crawl fast
case 0xFF708F: return (F("crR")); //crawl right
case 0xFF10EF: return (F("bkL")); // back left
case 0xFF906F: return (F("bk")); //back
case 0xFF50AF: return (F("bkR")); //back right
case 0xFF42BD: return (F("tb")); //turbo
case 0xFF4AB5: return (F("zero")); //customed skill
case 0xFFD827: return (F("rc")); //recover (turtle roll )
case 0xFFFFFFFF: return (""); //Serial.println(" REPEAT");
default: {
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
return (""); //Serial.println("null");
}// End Case
//delay(100); // Do not get immediate repeat //no need because the main loop is slow
// The control could be organized in another way, such as:
// forward/backward to change the gaits corresponding to different speeds.
// left/right key for turning left and right
// number keys for different postures or behaviors