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Reconfigure NyBoard V0_1 (for pro users)
In Hardware
Md Spycho
Apr 26, 2020
Well, I let it run for some time and not it started to read some values about 10min after startup. After i reprogrammed the Nybble code, it started to work correctly again. I don't understand, does it needs a long initialization process ? I am sorry to waste your time, I will keep you updated if I notice something.
Reconfigure NyBoard V0_1 (for pro users)
In Hardware
Md Spycho
Apr 26, 2020
Hello, I made this mod and it fixed my voltage issues, now the servo works perfectly and Nybble can run without any issues, awesome! However, I noticed my nybble was not able to balance anymore. Does it has an effect on the MPU ? I ran the testMPU programme and it seems that it doesn't read any value. Here is the output from the serial port: ?nitializing I2C devices... Testing device connections... MPU6050 connection successful Send any character to begin DMP programming and demo: Initializing DMP... Enabling DMP... Enabling interrupt detection (Arduino external interrupt 0)... DMP ready! Waiting for first interrupt... Thank you very much for your help.
Md Spycho
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