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Forum Posts

Egor Kraev
May 30, 2020
In Basic Assembly and Setup
When I follow using WriteInstinct.ino, MPU calibration seems to work as described, but when afterwards I press 'c', nothing happens, servos don't move and the long calibration table (Index/Offset) doesn't print. By inserting a print statement, I verified that execution reaches line 259 of WriteInstinct.ino. I just pulled latest from git repo so it's the latest code. Tried testing the servos by running testServo.ino - if I just run it, servo on pin 1 goes back and forth; but if I enter 'a', all servos move once and then stop moving. The output on the serial monitor, if I do that, goes from reasonable numbers (less than 1000 in absolute value) to very large numbers (attached) - not sure if that is connected to the calibration issue. Any idea what could be going on there? Thanks a lot!

Egor Kraev

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