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Forum Posts

Leonard Schiff
Jul 24, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Hi, On an impuls-buy I acquired a preassembled Bittle here. I worked through the manual, which is rather short since it's preassembled, and discovered the bluetooth-section. In there it's written that We include our official Bluetooth dongle in the standard Bittle kit. Here. I, however, cannot seem to find such a dongle in the package or anywhere. It doesn't seem to be built in either, since the device does not send out a bluetooth-signal (or does it and I'm not finding it?) I've written the shop where I've bought it, too (twice by now), but they haven't responeded yet... So is the bluetooth dongle not included in the preassembled kit? Or am I missing something? Help would be appreciated. The device does connect fine via USB. Thank you, Leo

Leonard Schiff

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