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Forum Posts

Michael Welch
Mar 19, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
I have just received my Bittle with a V1_0 board. Assembly went well but now I am trying to calibrate everything for the first time and I encounter an error when I send Y into WriteInstinct for the third time. The joint calibration and Update Instincts seem to work but when I enter Y for Calibrate MPU, I get the following: It then goes into an infinite loop, beeping while printing 12.456 and then increasing the third number. It then at some point goes negative and goes towards 0, then goes the first way again and repeats infinitely. I saw another post on the forums saying that I can edit WriteInstinct's code to change if (ready == 6) to if (ready == 5) to stop the loop, which worked to stop the loop but not to fix the fact that it says MPU6050 connection failed and the only numbers if gives are 0 0 4096 0 0 0. Below is the output when I change 6 to 5 in the WriteInstinct code: This seems incorrect. I tried holding the board in a non-horizontal position to see if the numbers would change any more or less than they did before and nothing changed which led me to believe there was a problem with the MPU. I then saw someone say to try running testMPU, which I did. Doing so gave me the following: It seems to confirm for me that there's something wrong with my MPU. I had an error earlier while trying to compile WriteInstinct where it said there were multiple instances of I2dev.h in the I2Cdev library and the MPU6050 library. Looking into them I saw there indeed was a copy of I2dev.h in each library and they were identical except that the one in the I2Cdev was an updated version of the one in the MPU6050 library. I removed the one in the MPU6050 library and that fixed my compiling problem. I tried putting that h file back into MPU6050 and removing the I2Cdev library and this also let me compile my WriteInstinct with no issues, but did not help my MPU issue at all. I also made sure my board was switched into the Arduino mode and have tried it with the battery disconnected and connected and powered on, nothing seems to make a difference. If there is any other information I need to provide let me know, but I can't think of anything else I can do. I am not sure what to do from here, it seems like the only issue is that my MPU is not connected or doesn't work for some other reason but I don't know how to resolve that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Issues with MPU6050  content media

Michael Welch

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