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Roy P
Apr 27, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
I assembled Bittle as per instructions, but got blocked at uploading of OpenCat.ino I see following and not stopping. Battery , Servo are connected to the board. * Start * Initialize I2C Connect MPU6050 Test connection MPU successful Initialize DMP 862 122 6 -5 Enable DMP Enable interrupt DMP ready! * Assigning 2 skill addresses... 1 Finished! check battery 69.00 check battery 31.00 check battery 17.00 check battery 9.00 check battery 4.00 check battery 1.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery 0.00 check battery What is this check battery ? how can I fix this ?
Roy P
Apr 24, 2021
In Basic Assembly and Setup
I assembled Bittle as per instructions, but got blocked at uploading of OpenCat.ino I Updated this line in #define NyBoard_V1_0 OpenCat.h and then uploaded WriteInstinct.ino, I typed Y for all three prompt then MPU Calibrate step was printing following without stopping ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮\֋⸮⸮ * Change "#define NyBoard_V*_*" in OpenCat.h according to your NyBoard version! * OpenCat Writing Constants to EEPROM... Reset joint calibration? (Y/n) * Update Instincts? (Y/n) Will overwrite Instincts on external I2C EEPROM! Saving skill info... I nstinct: bdFI I nstinct: bkI I nstinct: bkLI I nstinct: bkRI I nstinct: crFI I nstinct: crLI I nstinct: crRI I nstinct: rnFI I nstinct: rnLI I nstinct: rnRI I nstinct: trFI I nstinct: trLI I nstinct: trRI I nstinct: vtI I nstinct: wkFI I nstinct: wkLI I nstinct: wkRI I nstinct: balanceI I nstinct: buttUpI I nstinct: calibI I nstinct: droppedI I nstinct: liftedI I nstinct: restI I nstinct: sitI I nstinct: strI N ewbility: zeroN N ewbility: bfN I nstinct: ckI I nstinct: hiI I nstinct: peeI I nstinct: puI I nstinct: rcI I nstinct: stpI *** On-chip EEPROM has 1024 bytes. Instinctive dictionary used 442 bytes (43.16 %)! Maximal storage of external I2C EEPROM is 8192 bytes. Instinctive data used 5302 bytes (64.72 %)! *** Finished! * Assigning 33 skill addresses... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Finished! Calibrate MPU? (Y/n) Gotcha! * MPU6050 Calibration Routine MPU6050 connection failed (sometimes it shows "failed" but is ok to bypass. Reading sensors for first time... Your MPU6050 should be placed in horizontal position, with package letters facing up. Don't touch it until all six numbers appear. You should hear a long beep followed by a Meooow! 12.456 0 0 4096 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 6144 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 8192 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 10240 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 12288 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 14336 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 16384 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 18432 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 20480 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 22528 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 24576 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 26624 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 28672 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 30720 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -32768 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -30720 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -28672 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -26624 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -24576 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -22528 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -20480 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -18432 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -16384 0 0 0 12.456 0 0 -14336 0 0 0 So I closed Serial Monitor & re opened it. Then it asked me following, this time i entered n to all questions .456 0 0 -22528 0 0 0 12.456 0 * Change "#define NyBoard_V*_*" in OpenCat.h according to your NyBoard version! * OpenCat Writing Constants to EEPROM... Reset joint calibration? (Y/n) * Update Instincts? (Y/n) Won't overwrite Instincts on external I2C EEPROM! Saving skill info... I nstinct: bdFI I nstinct: bkI I nstinct: bkLI I nstinct: bkRI I nstinct: crFI I nstinct: crLI I nstinct: crRI I nstinct: rnFI I nstinct: rnLI I nstinct: rnRI I nstinct: trFI I nstinct: trLI I nstinct: trRI I nstinct: vtI I nstinct: wkFI I nstinct: wkLI I nstinct: wkRI I nstinct: balanceI I nstinct: buttUpI I nstinct: calibI I nstinct: droppedI I nstinct: liftedI I nstinct: restI I nstinct: sitI I nstinct: strI N ewbility: zeroN N ewbility: bfN I nstinct: ckI I nstinct: hiI I nstinct: peeI I nstinct: puI I nstinct: rcI I nstinct: stpI *** On-chip EEPROM has 1024 bytes. Instinctive dictionary used 442 bytes (43.16 %)! *** Finished! * Assigning 33 skill addresses... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Finished! Calibrate MPU? (Y/n) Gotcha! Then I started uploading OpenCat.ino which failed with following error ⸮f⸮⸮⸮R⸮⸮⸮0⸮⸮⸮AX⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮ ⸮⸮⸮8X⸮⸮I * Start * Initialize I2C Connect MPU6050 Test connection MPU failed Initialize DMP 0 0 0 0 DMP failed (code 1) Initialize DMP 0 0 0 0 DMP failed (code 1) What I am missing here ? are my all previous steps are correct ?

Roy P

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