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Forum Posts

Jun 24, 2019
In Clinic
I successfully calibrated the MPU, but Nybble doesn't seem to react to any rotation. I tried the balance skill in both WriteInstinct and the Nybble sketch. It moves to a standing posture, but doesn't react at all to pushes from side to side or tilting the surface it's on. It just stays locked in the standing posture. When I start it with the Nybble sketch it seems to initialize correctly: Connect MPU6050 Test connection MPU successful Initialize DMP 1786 63 3 118 Enable DMP Enable interrupt DMP ready! Any ideas what I'm missing?
Jun 19, 2019
In Clinic
I tried calibrating with WriteInstinct. It asks if I want to reset joint calibration and I say Yes Then it asks to update instincts but does not wait for me to answer and says Won't overwrite Instincts on external I2C EEPROM! Saving skill info... I nstinct:bdI I nstinct:bkI ... I nstinct:zeroI *********** Notice! ********* Maximal storage of onboard EEPROM is 1024 bytes. Instinctive dictionary used 515 bytes (50.29 %)! ***************************** Finished! * Assigning 43 skill addresses... 0 1 ... 42 Finished! Why does it not wait for the answer to calibrate instincts? Why does not ask to calibrate MPU? I don't know if the motors were supposed to turn but they did not. I did have the batteries connected. I also tried running Nybble This printed: * Start * Initialize I2C Connect MPU6050 Test connection MPU successful Initialize DMP -1 -1 -1 -1 Enable DMP Enable interrupt DMP ready! * Assigning 0 skill addresses... Finished! over and over again. After it prints "Finished!" I think the board is restarting? The motors never turned during any of this. I did try and run moduleTests and the motors did run for that.
May 11, 2019
In Clinic
I was trying to carefully create a way to access the potentiometer on the NyBoard and my tool slipped and damaged the potentiometer. The poteniometer screw is now very loose and does not reliably set the voltage. Is there a way for me to order a new NyBoard v0_1?


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