Hi all,
first of all great project. I would like to know if there is a possibility to use 18650 batteries? In open cat v2 this battery type is listed and in V1 it is not. Can you tell me where can I find instructions on how to connect these batteries and if something like powerbank XTAR PB2 can be used and how.
Thanks for any info I appreciate it.
Hi, I just saw your post.
You can use 18650 batteries, the only concern is size. They will conflict with the knee servos when installed under the belly. That's the major reason I chose 14500.
The continuous beeping sound comes from the code for low voltage alarm. It's a mechanism to avoid over-discharging. But you will need to change the threshold according to your battery. And if you don't turn off the switch, it will keep beeping until running out.
Hello I just wanted to ask if someone can tell me if once connected to batteries nybble board started to squeal. No sign/smell of burning or anything, both lamps (blue and green) are lit. I was connecting these batteries (2x).
Is this normal? I disconnected as soon as I heard the noise. Batteries are charged and working properly and + and - are connected properly, switch is on Ar, and jumper on V_S and V+. No Servos are attached yet.
Thanks for your response.
It seems that this is was already described under the different thread.
If you see that this is not the same case I would kindly ask you to reply.
Hello, it is not clear to me if nybble has built in battery protection for these 14000 and 18000- not to drain battery below 2.5v and make them unusable?