After sketch did not upload through IDE I found the NyBoard Readme on OpenCAT, followed the steps and if I open Board manager now there is a Petoi NyBoard installed. If I go to Boards I can choose between Arduino and Nyboard and Nyboard has only one option. After selecting this option the above error persists.
I found a similar error in the forum but the lady who asked the question anly said ' now it works' at some point without it being clear what solved the issue.
Bought this 'pet' to interest my daughter in Stem but this is proving a hard sell. I am no pro but sofar managed to get other projects and cloned nano's etc. to work in less time.
Hi, Bittles are all shipped with NyBoard V1_0, please check the print more carefully. You need to select Arduino Uno in Arduino IDE.
To set up the environment correctly for uploading the code, you need to follow and read all the notes. It's not a simple "pet toy", but following the manual should get most of the parts right.