Edit in:
My mistake, see post underneath this for the correct solution to this problem.
Using the instruction from https://www.brainy-bits.com/ir-remote-arduino/ to get the header file worked.
That is moved away the “RobotIRremote” and put the https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote there instead.
Been a while since doing software so maybe I missed something in the instruction doc but with this done the Nybble code passes verify.
Also a good link to change ownership on the Arduino IDE if using the install package which set "wrong" ownership" when installed on windows.
I don’t know how it shows up in your list.
I finally got the right one but now the adafruit can’t be found by the arduino program.
I think I might delete everything and start again 🙄
We are not using RobotIRremote, but IRremote library version 2.6.1.
I’m struggling with the instructions. Am I correct to assume that the only IRremote available (RobotIRremote) in the Arduino program is wrong and I need to find the Adafruit version? If so, why doesn’t the author change the instructions?
The best way to add irremote.h is using Arduino IDE's library manager. Search irremote and you can find the IRremote by shirriff. I just verified that it's still searchable.