Questions will be added as time goes by. If you want to make your questions more informative, please include screenshots or videos:

My wood pieces are different from the tutorial videos.
- A couple of parts are revised to be symmetric to reduce confusion during assembling. As long as they fit in the baseboards (3 large and 1 small), they are the right parts for that kit.
- If you are missing some parts, please take a picture with all the kit contents. Also take a picture of the handwritten mark on the package. Send them to
Cannot upload sketch.
- If you see "serial port does not exist" or "can't open device "/dev/cu.usbserial", it's could be a connection problem. Read the 4.2.5 FTDI section in the instruction. Do the checklist and report your observations.
Servos cannot move.
- It's most likely to be the problem of power supply. You can run the diagnose program to check whether the servos rotate with your power supply.
- Regular AA batteries(1.2~1.5V) won't work.
- DC power supply won't work well because they are too sensitive to peak current and will trigger short-circuit protection. It will work with lower voltage setting because the overall current will be smaller.
- 14500 batteries Li-ion batteries are the tested models. Performance still varies over brands. Tune the potential meter to find the best performance.
Servo has strange rotation
Check the video under this discussion. If your Nybble behaves in a similar way, it may be the problem with your battery.
What if I accidentally connected the power supply reversely on the green terminal?
- You should hear a light "pooo" sound with some smoke near the terminal. The step down circuit for logic chip will be burnt. The blue LED won't lit up by battery. The logic chip can still work by powering through FTDI uploader.
NyBoard makes strange beeping and stops working
- The program may be interrupted when the voltage fluctuation (caused by servo motion) is too large. Try the following operatings sorted by probabilities: Press the reset button -> unplug all power supply and wait for 5 seconds -> re-upload the sketch.
What does the abbreviations of skills mean?
- See this post.
Why the legs could go reversely?
- See this answer.
Why there's "FIFO overflow"? Does it matter?
- See this answer.
Nybble.ino endless loop :
16:04:38.720 -> ⸮ 16:04:38.814 -> * Start * 16:04:38.814 -> Initialize I2C 16:04:38.814 -> Connect MPU6050 16:04:39.329 -> Test connection 16:04:39.329 -> MPU successful 16:04:39.329 -> Initialize DMP 16:04:40.220 -> 1636 26 33 2 16:04:40.220 -> Enable DMP 16:04:40.220 -> Enable interrupt 16:04:40.220 -> DMP ready! 16:04:42.048 -> 16:04:42.048 -> * Assigning 0 skill addresses... 16:04:42.048 -> Finished! 16:04:42.048 -> 16:04:42.299 -> ⸮ 16:04:42.392 -> * Start * 16:04:42.392 -> Initialize I2C 16:04:42.392 -> Connect MPU6050 16:04:42.954 -> Test connection 16:04:42.954 -> MPU successful 16:04:42.954 -> Initialize DMP 16:04:43.814 -> 1636 26 33 2 16:04:43.860 -> Enable DMP 16:04:43.860 -> Enable interrupt 16:04:43.860 -> DMP ready! 16:04:45.657 -> 16:04:45.657 -> * Assigning 0 skill addresses... 16:04:45.657 -> Finished! 16:04:45.657 -> 16:04:45.892 -> ⸮ 16:04:46.032 -> * Start *