Hi, I have built my cat and it is working without a Raspberry Pi. Now I want to add my RPi4. I followed the instructions in the hardware forum (How to set up Raspberry Pi for programming Nybble). I have connected up the Pi, flipped the I2C switch (SW2) to Pi, and turned everything on. I connect to the Pi using VNC Viewer and run the Arduino IDE. In the serial monitor I see the following scrolling repeatedly:
Initialize DMP
Checking hardware revision...
Revision @ user[16][6] = 0
Resetting memory bank selection to 0...
1567 -24 1 33
DMP failed (code 1)
Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Of course I am using a RPi4 so that might be causing a problem. Also, the IDE version is 1.8.12, not 1.8.8 as mentioned in the hardware post.
My general question is, once I have the Pi properly connected, will the IR remote still work or can I only control the cat through the RPi? My goal is to write python code to tell the cat what to do, but it will take me a while to get there, I suspect.
Thanks! Chris
Great project by the way, and I am happy it comes from a Wake grad! I worked at Wake Forest on and off for 17 years.
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Hi, you don’t need to dial the SW2 to Pi. It will change the I2C master to Pi, and you will need to write a complete Pi code to control the devices. Just keep it on Ar, and communicate with the cat through serial tokens. The code on the Arduino side will still accept IR remote. Glad to know that you’ve been at Wake. I also worked there for two years until 2018 after graduation.