I just assembled the Bittle kit with NyBoard V1_0.
Installed the latest Arduino 1.8.16
Using the latest OpenCat build.
I was able upload a few basic test programs and was able to calibrate the legs.
The issue I'm having is executing basic commands such as "ksit" or "kwkF". In the serial comm. window, I see the "k" command was sent, but the remainder was not recognized or acted upon. Other commands do work, such as "m0 30"... Any thoughts?
Hi Rongzhong Li, many thanks for your quick reply and support! Bittle is working as expected. I look forward to taking next steps of the next few weeks. Thank you very much!
It seems that the skills are not saved to the static memory correctly. Make sure you open the serial monitor after uploading WriteInstinct.ino, set the baudrate to 115200 and “no line ending”, then enter three "y" after the prompts. The second one tells the program to save the constants. After all settings are done, you can upload OpenCat.ino.
Quick follow up. I've uploaded and ran a few programs (TestBuzzer, WriteInstinct, ... OpenCat). All worked fine. USB and Bluetooth are connections are working fine. I can send serial commands such as "c", "c0 50" or "m0 -50" and they work fine using USB or Bluetooth. However, when I send "ksit" or another skill, the only command I see in the serial terminal is "k" and all four shoulder joints move a few degrees and then back to initial pos. I've calibrated the IMU and the servos. Any thoughts?