I work with educating kids about robotics. One of the organizations that I work with has just ordered a bittle. I have been watching the opencat develop since very ear;y days when it popped up on Haster.io
All the educators that I work with are teaching with either scratch based for younger kids or python based for older kids. I notice the low level functionality of the robot is Ardunio based. I did also notice the is a graphical interface developed as well. I also notice that RPi can be connected to the NyBoard as well.
I need to do some research and learn how to drive the robot for when it arrives. I would like to know more about the RPi interface. Can the RPi act like a master and just send serial commands to the Nyboard for it to carry out?? How do most user use the RPi interface, do they program it in python??
I haven't been able to find good links to info about an RPi API for Brittle or a link to info about teh graphical interface can anyone provide more info and links to the need info??
Thanks in advance
The graphical interface is developed by our partner: https://www.yuque.com/tinkergen-help-en/bittle_course/?language=en-us
For the RaspPi interface, you can find our documentation at https://bittle.petoi.com/4-configuration#4-4-raspberry-pi-serial-port-as-an-interface
We provide the basic Python modules to send serial commands.
There are other fan-made Python scripts to handle the control of the robot.