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Not able to 3d print. Would like a bittle stand and holders for pi board. Willing to pay. 708 785 8951 text or talk or . Locate outside Chicago Illinois USA.
I am a retired 70yo retired mail living in the suburbs of Chicago. I learned electronic equipment repair in the army 50 some years ago. No college, but I taught myself sql, database theory, and Cobol on the job in subsequent years. Eventually learned enough python to do some interesting db stuff with sql. Ok, question. Just bought a bottle, being cautious. Thinking of getting a biboard, raspberry pi, and maybe some sensor modules. Have I presumed too much on my self taught skills? I understand different memory levels, instincts, etc. Should I go ahead and buy this additional hardware, not worried about expense here. I bought bought developers kit already. Also should I purchase a textbook about robot system programming, focusing on python and c++?
How close are you to completing the full black cat?