Hello! i'm newbie need your help!
just received my Nyboar V1 (included bluetooth dongle) . after connect to BittleBLE-35353E (bluetooth dongle ), i can't upload test code to Nyboard.
One leg of serial interface was missing . is this nomal ?
video show Bluetooth dongle led blinking.
i'm nood so and you help me !
and the last question is : what's a meaning of each Led indicator ( 7 of theme )
Thank you
Hi there,
the "missing pin" is alright. As there is no need to have two pins going to Ground (GND). So the hardware should be alright.
Connect via BittleSPP (Serial Port Profile) and it should work. Let me know if this works.
thank you very much for help me. now i can upload testBuzzer and make "meow sound".
Hi, I have replied to your email about other questions.
You need to connect the Bluetooth with your computer first, just like how to connect to Bluetooth EarPods. Find the device and enter passcode 0000 (or 1234). They you can find the port under Tools of Arduino IDE.
The removed pin is a safety consideration. It may cause short circuit if user shift one pin when plugging in the uploader. In next batches we will isolate this pin directly on the PCB.