Hi Li, I give her 7 Voltes now and she behaves now (most of the time). Probably some electronic part is light sensitive as I have the impression she works better at night.
I think she could move more smoothly (the first version run more smoothly, hmmmm), I still have to fine tune her skills.
Next step ist to put an Raspberry Pi on her back so I can control her via WIFI and later speech controlled.
Still growing.... needs imporvement, i know....
Communication with a Raspberry Pi 3 on her back works fine. I can trigger all her skills from the command line from remote. Using SOPARE from http://www.bishoph.org/ he is probably controlable by voice.
I check SOPARE the next 4 weeks. We will see :)
"I have the impression she works better at night", that's reasonable for nocturnal animals.