Hello everyone ! I have a Nybble and now I try to install software on Nyboard.
For information I have a Nyboard V0_2 . I'm lost in explanations because I saw differents way :
on github here : https://github.com/PetoiCamp/OpenCat , it said that I must install opencat.ino in two times with comment out and uncomment #main_sketch and in PDF user manual it talk about WriteInstinct.ino . For now , I install first time the OpenCat.ino with comment out #main_sketch and activate #define AUTO_INIT. and next, I upload again Opencat.ino with activate Main_Sketch and desactivate Define auto_ini : Nybble move strangely ... Is it important WriteInstinct.ino ? I would like calibrate Nybble with Bluetooth Dongle and the OS App .
NB : When I was uploading sketches I had numerous mistakes ( but i install all library and managers needs and the board is appear in "Tools" so I can choos the Nyboard . I receive the next mistakes :
- avrdude verification error content mismatch
- sorry - this program has been built without plugin support
So , my principal question is : What is the exact procedure to install the softwares in Nybble ?
Thanks by advance for your help !!!
Best Regards ,
In case other users have the same problem:
Please refer to https://nybble.petoi.com/chapter4 for the newest instructions. WriteInstinct.ino has been replaced by OpenCat.ino with MAIN_SKETCH commented out.
Since you have a V0 board, you need to install a customized bootloader in your Arduino IDE: https://docs.petoi.com/history/upload-sketch-for-nyboard-software-1.0#automatic-method-many-thanks-to-a-ron
You will also need to change the board definition at the beginning of OpenCat.ino to NyBoardV0_2.