As our registered forum members, you are invited to beta test our Petoi App which will be released soon. You can download the beta version in the following ways:
If you are not sure which one to install, try the arm64 version first.
We also highly recommend you upload the latest OpenCat firmware from https://github.com/petoicamp/opencat to the robot for the best compatibility.

The main workflow is:

1. Connect Petoi robots (Bittle/Nybble) within the App when the Bluetooth dongle is connected. Pay attention to the Bluetooth dongle connection order.
2. If the Bluetooth is connected (its LED will light steady), but the robot doesn't respond, click the reset button on the NyBoard.
3. The default actions are preset skills saved on the robot. You can also define customized commands by pressing the + button. Long-press a custom command button to edit it.
4. Custom commands to try:
* move head (format: move joint angle)
m0 45
* move head left and right (format: move joint1 angle1 joint2 angle2 .... The angle is -127~128)
m0 -70 0 70
* sit
* move joints one by one
m 0 -70 0 70 8 -30 8 45
* MOVE joints simultaneously
M 0 -45 8 -30 12 -60
* show current joint angles
* long meow once
u0 1
* short meow three times
u2 20
* play a short tone (format: beep tone duration, duration is 0~256)
b12 100
* play a melody (format: beep tone1 duration1, tone2 duration2, tone3 duration3, .... only 64 characters are allowed)
b14 90 14 90 21 90 21 90 23 90 23 90 21 180
A more detailed table can be found in the user manual: https://bittle.petoi.com/7-play-with-bittle
We have gone through a few rounds of tests, and now we are primarily interested in phone compatibility and unexpected exceptions. Would you please test the App by your preference and report any reproducible issue/bug with your device's information? Suggestions on the UI and UX will also be considered in the next version. Your feedback will help us to improve the robustness of the App.
Thanks for your participation!
Understand. In that case, thanks for spending the money to get this done. It was trully needed for a better experience with Bittle.
I installed v1.0.1 of this app on my iPhone last week and was amazed by the App capabilities.
Wondering if the source code of the App can be open sourced... I think that will really help people learning iOS programming as well as enable others to build more interesting features into this app.
By the way, I could install the App ver. 1.0.1 with no issues
IT WOKS!!! 😃
Some info in case some people cannot connect to Bittle in Android. To be able to connect from the app, besides Bluetooth, we need to:
-> Turn GPS function on
after this the panel will display the list of Bluetooth available devices 😉
Connect and Bittle will be ready
Seems very helpful app, thx.
I have tried the iPhone app. It come up and says "New version found 1.1.0" if I hit update and then it shows Android_8.5.0.5..._537066738.apk Document - 104.1 MB and open in...
It seems like an android update it being tried to be pushed down to the iPhone.
I did submit this within TestFlight.
Other than that I was able to connect to Bittle just fine and could use the basic options.
Unfortunately, I can't connect with Bittle.
I am using an android device.
As for software, armebi could not be installed due to security reasons. x86_64 and arm64 could be installed.
However, when I press Re-scan connection, I cannot find Bittle. The device and Bittle can be linked via Bluetooth, and the Bluetooth App developed by Mr.Struzck works fine in the same connection setting.
Just to be clear, once we have this app there would no longer be a need for the Code & Robots app, correct?