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Driving bittle from Raspberry PI
In Software
Knut Bear
Jul 20, 2021
If you give me a bit I'll upload a newer version that's a bit cleaner/supports more things. You can also set up web streaming so you can make a little remote controlled camera. You wanna roughly do the following: 1. get your bittle working/calibrated with the regular serial module. should be in the instructions/videos that come with the kit. 2. solder in the raspberry pi connector. I'm using a zero w and it's enough horsepower 3. get a camera but note if you're using pi zero you need the special cable that's smaller at one end. 4. on raspberry pi, install git (you can find instructions) 5. clone the opencat repository 6. drop the code above in the serialMaster directory 7. install some video streaming - I found this works pretty well 8. keep a terminal open to the raspberry pi and run the python program that reads the keys 9. watch it on the browser There's a slight delay (under a sec) but I navigated around the couch from another room, etc. Pretty neat. Not at all stealth. You can also buy a battery holder and some beefy batteries that will last you hours, but it's a bit more involved project to add a connector - I found that bittle is powerful enough to lug them around, and you can velcro/rubber band them to the underside in place of the original battery, easily. The steps above assume a lot of stuff - like you know how to set a raspberry pi, etc. so depending on your knowledge you'll have to chase down a bunch of other instructions, let me know if you need more help.

Knut Bear

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