I recently got my Petoi Nybble kit and after watching some YouTube videos and looking at the directions, have found that I think I have a different version (either newer of older) of the kit. I am also missing an ultrasonic sensor, or I just can't find it. I am also missing the LED, if that part is included. Is there any chance they were accidentally left out? And is there any way I got a different kit than everyone else?
If you could tell me where the pieces are supposed to be, that would be helpful.
Wow thank you so much! This helps a lot. I can now understand why all the changes were made to the kit. Thanks again.
Hi, please open all the boxes and take a picture of your kit contents. Mark what you think is missing in the old kit content picture. The new ultrasonic sensor has six built-in RGB LEDs inside the sensors and has a Grove socket rather than pins to avoid soldering. You can validate it by uploading the test sketch: https://github.com/PetoiCamp/OpenCat/tree/main/ModuleTests/testRGBLedUlrasonic