I've got Bittle mostly assembled, motors connected, etc. The TestBuzzer and TestSevenRGBLED Arduino sketches work fine (I haven't tried the others yet).
Serial Monitor is set to 115200 and no newlines. However, when I compile and upload the OpenCat.ino sketch, what I see in the serial monitor is what I show below, with no intervention from me. Every time the "k" appears, the head servo twitches. When I type something in the serial monitor, it says "wrong key!".
What can be happening?
* Start*
Initialize I2C
Connect MPU6050
Test connection
MPU successful
Initialize DMP
-1 -1 -1 -1
Enable DMP
Enable interrupt
DMP ready!
* Assigning 2 skill addresses...
Hello, I may have a similar problem with the serial commands. Today I build Bittle, uploaded and ran a few programs (TestBuzzer, WriteInstinct, ... OpenCat). All worked fine. USB and Bluetooth are connections are working fine. I can send serial commands such as "c", "c0 50" or "m0 -50" and they work fine using USB or Bluetooth. However, when I send "ksit" or another skill, the only command I see in the serial terminal is "k" and all four shoulder joints move a few degrees and then back to initial pos. I've calibrated the IMU and the servos. Any thoughts?
I'll give that a try. The odd thing is that module test programs all work fine, only OpenCat gave me problems. The Bluetooth adapter works perfectly, however, so I don't have any urgency for now.
You may need to install the driver of the USB programmer. The driver link is in Chapter 4 of bittle.petoi.com, under the serial monitor section.
It might have been an issue with the USB programmer. The Bluetooth interface worked fine. All good. It balances and recovers well, so servos etc are all working correctly.