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Lilie Boizumault
Dec 14, 2020
In Basic Assembly and Setup
Hi everyone ! Bonjour à tous ! (version en français ci-dessous) Recently, I've worked on creating a detailed french assembly instructions for Nybble, with assembling tips and videos. As it is for french speakers, I'll explain it in French : Récemment, j'ai travaillé sur une notice de montage détaillée, en français, pour assembler Nybble ! Vous y trouverez des détails et astuces de montage. Chaque étape est illustrée en vidéo. Vous trouverez des informations supplémentaires sur ce lien : Cette notice a pour but de permettre à tous les francophones de pouvoir se servir de Nybble, même sans comprendre l'anglais et en étant débuttant alors n'hésitez pas à partager ! Lilie
Lilie Boizumault
Dec 08, 2020
In Showcase
Hi again everyone ! I'm a french robotics intern in France, and I'm currently creating a robotics course for children based on Petoi robots Nybble and MiniCat (and Bittle very soon). Today, I wanted to show you my computer vision based courses. The most topical one is the course based on face mask detection. As you can see in the video, Nybble gets angry and threatening if you don't wear a mask and says hi when you do. As a result, Nybble becomes a perfect policeman in this pandemic 🚔 You'll see other videos on the Youtube Channel. There is a course where children can control Nybble with color signs, and another where Nybble says hi when he sees you. If you are interested to get the scripts don't hesitate to go on Github : The scripts are commented in English and French. If you need more info, please ask me 😊 I wish you the best, Lilie
Lilie Boizumault
Dec 01, 2020
In Showcase
Hi everyone ! I'm a french robotics intern in France, and I'm currently creating a robotics course for children based on Petoi robots Nybble and MiniCat (and Bittle very soon). I've already posted my first course : Nybble doesn't like obstacles. Today I wanted to show you my MiniCat, with some OLEDs screens as eyes ! I find it so cute, and I know children will love it. For now there are only 3 emotions but I could add more. For now, 2 boards are needed : one to control MiniCat and one to control the eyes. The 2 boards are connected to the same batteries and IR sensor. It took me a while to make it work because I wanted to fit the 2 codes in the same board but unfortunately the library for OLED screens is too heavy (even after reducing it). Feel free to check the code on my Github if you want : For now the code is mainly commented in french for my young students, but if you want English comments don't hesitate to ask me 😊
Some eyes for MiniCat  content media
Lilie Boizumault
Nov 16, 2020
In Software
Hi everyone, I'm desperately trying to control my Nybble using the executable, in order to try other python scripts and try to add computer vision. I've configurated my Raspberry Pi 3b+ as explained in the assembly instructions : The 2 boards are communicating but the sketch doesn't start because the MPU can't initialize : It looks like an i2c communication error but I've checked the i2c devices connected on the raspi it correctly detects the MPU .. I don't know why I have this error... I must have missed something but I really don't understand what, could anyone help me please ? Many thanks and best wishes, Lilie
Configuring serial communication with Raspi content media
Lilie Boizumault
Aug 25, 2020
In Showcase
Hello everyone ! I’m a french intern working for a french company QI informatique. I have to design an online robotics course for teenagers based on the amazing robots Nybble and MiniCat. As a result, I will develop new functionalities for the robots and share them to respect the Opensource spirit of the OpenCat project. Today, I wanted to show you the first course based on Nybble : making Nybble a little bit angry when an obstacle prevents him from walking. You can see the result in the video : Of course, it is way more simple than the projects showed in this forum but it can be a good challenge for beginners ! Here is the modified code for the curious ones : I keep developing new functionalities. Best wishes to everyone, Lilie
Nybble doesn't like obstacles ! content media

Lilie Boizumault

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